
This book was on our required textbook list for Winter Quarter, and since it isn't a textbook at all I figured it was reasonable to assume that at some point we would be required to read it and possibly write some sort of book report. Who knows how much time I will have to spend a leisurely afternoon reading, so I decided to go ahead and get it out of the way before the quarter starts.

One funny thing about me: I love to read until a book becomes assigned reading. I'm betting if I had found this book on my own I would be tucked into the papasan chair reading while my children destroyed the house around me. Once I am required to read something... it's suddenly much less appealing. As such, I am two pages in to the second chapter.

Is anyone reading anything interesting over the holidays? I have a fun book to reward myself with as soon as I finish this. I'll be sure to let you know my thoughts when I finish.
The most enjoyable moments of the past year were: There were lots of great moments this year. Picking a few out of the air: The day at the beach with Lynessa, Driving the hwy 101 loop with Lynessa and Cheryl, having dinner with my husband on our 10th anniversary, the week I spent at home enjoying time by myself and my hot tub while Mike and the kids were camping. Oh, and being accepted to nursing school!

The least enjoyable moments of the past year were: There were a few of these, most I don't care to put out for the public to see. The drastic ups and downs of my grandmothers health, second guessing myself on if I am providing the best possible care for her.

The most enjoyable meals of the past year: My anniversary dinner was fabulous! I want to visit that restaurant again. Home cooked meal... hard to say. My husband and I like to experiment in the kitchen now and then and usually we are happy with what we end up eating.

The books I enjoyed most:The Twilight series. My copies are well worn and always close by. I love the quick escape from reality, and I always find myself giggling. Not the most intellectual of reading, but we all need a break from reality now and again.

The music I enjoyed: Muse, Blue October, The Frey, The Twilight playlists (you can find these on Stephenie Meyer's website), Mannhein Steamroller, Trans-Siberian Orchestra

The movies I enjoyed: Twilight, New Moon (my only trip to a movie theater in quite awhile!), The Proposal, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation(can you believe I've never seen it before?)

The TV shows I enjoyed: Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Project Runway, Bones, House.

Favorite Radio of the past year: 101.5, not really sure how to categorize this station, but lots of music I listed above can be heard there.

Best live performances attended: The only live performance we saw this year was the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, and I would really like to see them next time they come to the area.

New friends I made this past year: I've made a lot of new friends this year. Being in school offers a lot of opportunity to meet new people. Also, now that I am working in the Biology department at the college I have come to call a lot of the science instructors friends. One of the relationships I have treasured growing has been that of Lynessa's twin daughters. Lovely teen girls who I truly enjoy spending time with.

Friends & acquaintances I got to know better: See above. It's hard to remember who I met this year and who I met before. So many great relationships from school, and so many relationships that have evolved from just school friends to also outside world friends.

Most memorable quotes: I have added a few quotes on here from time to time. I think of them often, especially when I'm facing a challenge.

Discoveries/things I learned this past year:I know it sounds silly, but one thing I have learned this year is just how much I have changed while working on my pre-reqs. I'm a different person than I was when I started this blog; more confident, more self assured, more outgoing.

Goals I reached/my accomplishments: I finished my pre-reqs, completed/turned in my nursing program application, went into my nursing interview with my head held high and loads of confidence and was accepted into my first choice nursing program.

Disappointments I experienced: I'm not superwoman. I know, big shock huh? It was really hard to face the reality that there are some things I just have to let go. I can't do it all and be it all for everyone in my life. If I say anymore I would be revealing private matters of those that I love, and those aren't my tales to tell.

The nicest thing done for me this past year:I have been blessed with so many wonderful gifts of kindness this year. Maybe one of the nicest things that has been done for me this year was acceptance and forgiveness. Finding that a friendship means as much to someone else as it does to me, and that even though our friendship causes great discomfort in our home life, we both value it enough to not let it be harmed.

The nicest thing I did for others this past year: I don't feel that I have done enough nice things for others this year. I take care of others, and it makes me happy to do so. I feel like I'm tooting my own horn to list my nice deeds. If you were to ask my friend, she would tell you I brought 'get well foods' for her and dinner for her family, as well as an electric blanket and new comfy socks when she was sick this month. I know she would do the same for me.

My person of the year for the year ending is: I can't pick a person, I am supported and embraced by a wide support network.

Other wacky stuff about this past year that I don’t want to forget:

For the coming year, these are my personal goals: Do more nice things for others. To not lose myself to nursing school!

These are my professional goals: I want to succeed in nursing school, straight 4.0's aren't necessary, but I want to not be on the edge of failing.

Household goals for the coming year: More organization! I feel like we can get close to getting a good routine in place and then it all falls away again.

For the coming year, these are my predictions:I predict it will be a challenge like none I have ever faced before. I will laugh, and cry. I'll learn things I never knew I never knew. I want to take at least a couple day road trips with friends, they help me clear my head and make me a better mother/wife. I'll read something that doesn't have anything to do with nursing.
Yesterday was one of those days where very little went as planned. Originally on the schedule was Santa pictures in the morning, followed by a nap, Christmas crafts with the kids. Concluding the evening with a drive with my best friend and our children, sipping hot cocoa and looking at Christmas lights.

Instead, after doing Santa pictures with the kids I went in to check on the elderly family member we are caring for. I intended to get her all tucked in for a nap and then head in to lay down for awhile myself. When I got to her room, I found that she was not well. I knew right away that we were heading to the hospital, but called her home health care nurse anyway. She also wanted us to seek medical care. It was decided that she was feeling poorly enough that transporting her in one of our vehicles would be very uncomfortable, and possibly dangerous, so we called for an ambulance transport. And then I called to cancel our evening plans.

I have come to the point that I generally don't mention my pending nursing school, preferring instead to be a 'commoner', but my medical speak that is so second nature gave me away. The medics that came to transport us to the hospital took down my quick report and in the next quiet moment asked if I had medical training. We explained that we were both accepted into the nursing program, and that my husband had worked for this very ambulance company previously. They were thrilled that I had her current medications all laid out for them to easily copy down and we were ready to go in just a few short minutes.

I opted to ride with my father instead of in the ambulance and we followed them in. When the ambulance pulled to the side of the road with it's flashers on I watched for a moment and then let my worried father know that since the driver wasn't leaving the drivers seat to assist in the back it was likely that they were just pulled over while the medic placed an IV line. Better to place them while the rig is still if you have the luxury.

Thankfully, our hospital stay was short... she was discharged again 8 hours later. And, as we could not have given the required treatment at home, it was a necessary visit. I feel good about making the call to transport, we didn't waste their time with something that could have been handled elsewhere and we didn't wait too long and thus prolong her stay.

I was impressed with the level of compassion and care we received. It was obvious that there were many patients to be seen, and yet the time we spent with doctors, nurses and techs didn't feel rushed. The nurse was very surprised when I offered to glove up and help her get the patient cleaned up and ready to go home.

I couldn't help but feel caught in limbo while I was there. I've not yet received any nursing training so I'm not one of them... but I know more than the normal family member in the ER with a patient. Also, although it would seem like being with a patient in the hospital would be easy, I came home exhausted and with one of the worst headaches of my life. Just another experience to carry with me as I learn to be a compassionate nurse not just for my patients, but also for those with them.
We went to get santa pictures taken of the kids today. After waiting in line for just over an hour, and being told that the estimated wait was another 3 hours we decided to call it a day. I'm going back with them in the morning, planning to arrive an hour before the pictures start in order to get a good place in line. Yeah, we'll still be sitting there for an hour, but hopefully we can just sit and wait instead of taking a step forward every five minutes.

We could go somewhere else, but this place does a really great job... and they are free! The free part makes the wait almost worth it, especially since the local mall charges $25 now. I had hoped to pic up one of the required reading books for one of my classes, but after visiting with family all afternoon we had a nice quiet evening. I guess I'll be reading for fun while waiting in line instead... and having coffee!

I think we finished our Christmas shopping in record time this year! We didn't start until last Saturday, and Friday morning we finished! It's nice to have it done and out of the way before the kids were out of school for winter break. I've got a bunch of wrapping to do, but I really don't mind.

Just a couple more weeks and we'll be in nursing school!
Anyone who has spent any considerable amount of time with me has always made the comment that once I'm out of nursing school I should write a book about all of my adventures and challenges along the way. While I highly doubt I will ever write a book, I am going to make a better effort to share those stories here.

Since buying my new vehicle this fall (new to me, not new in years)there have been a few incidents that have led to this being my first vehicle ever to have a name. Her name is "Christine." Yes, because of the movie. I may or may not share the earlier stories of Christine another day. Today, I am sharing my adventure from yesterday.

As I left my final review yesterday I thought to myself how the cold weather seemed to have made the parking lot unusually quiet. Like everyone was so cold that they were no longer interested in standing out by their cars talking; instead, preferring to rush into the warm building. Class had let out early and I was trying to think if there were any errands I wanted to run before picking my youngest up from the babysitter.

The day before, the battery had died on my wireless entry remote, and so I was having to use the key in the lock on the door to unlock my truck. I put the key in the lock and turned it. However, when I opened the door I received a not welcome surprise. Somehow the security system had been activated. I jumped as the horn started blaring, the lights started flashing, my windshield wipers were flapping across the windshield (front and back) and as if this all wasn't enough, my truck was spraying washer fluid everywhere. I tossed my bag into the truck and pressed the panic button on the remote. I've accidentally hit this button before, though never with such boisterous results. The panic button was doing nothing, which made sense considering the batteries were dead. I tried pulling the remote apart to get to the battery in hopes that pulling them out and putting them back in might give just enough charge to activate the panic button just once. No luck. By now I've thrown my gloves off and into the truck... maybe my gloved fingers just weren't pushing the buttons hard enough?

I closed the door, and used the key to lock it again. Horn still blasting away. I unlocked the door again and put the key in the ignition. the engine fired to life... and then shut itself off. The security guard slowly drives past me, looking as though curious about what is going on, but doesn't even roll down his window. I whip out my cell phone and try to call my husband. He's on campus, but in class and doesn't answer his phone in class. I hang up and call him again. Maybe if I call a couple times he will realize something is going on and will come to my rescue. Still no answer. I try the ignition again, tears are welling up in my eyes now. Again, the truck starts and then shuts itself off. Nothing has made the horn stop blaring. I take a step back and evaluate the situation. I seriously consider locking the doors and walking away like nothing is happening. But, who will get the kids? The security guard drives past my truck again, still not willing to step outside his warm vahicle to see what is going on. I don't know which class room my husband is in so I can't just go pull him out of class.

I put the key back in the ignition again, but stop myself from actually turning the key... I know that after a certain number of attempts the vehicle will lock itself up and require a tow to the dealership to get it back on the road. Defeated, I called my dad.

"Um, dad? I'm having a bit of a situation?" As if he didn't know something was up by the sounds of my horn coming through his cell phone. I quickly told him my story followed with, "And I don't know what else to do!" This is where the big perks of a father working at a major dealership which is also the manufacturer for your vehicle comes in. He hollered out into the shop for the master mechanic, told him his daughter was having trouble and gave him the cell phone (I'm betting partly just to get the sound of the horn out of his ear). I again explained the situation. The wonderful mechanic instructed me to unlock the passenger door with the key. I head around to the other side of the vehicle. Place my key in the lock. Turn it. And...



It was explained to me that some vehicles are having a tough time with the cold weather and the sensors in the doors are getting frozen. My truck thought I was trying to steal it. Apparently Christine is not impressed with the cold weather.

After a huge sigh of relief, I climbed into the truck, turned the engine and thanked Christine for not turning herself off again. In my rear view mirror I watched the security guard drive past my truck one more time. As I placed the truck into reverse i heard the familiar bing that means I have a message on the dash. "Low Washer Fluid". Of course. I glance at the clock and see that only 8 minutes have elapsed... I assure you it felt much longer.

Today I took all my valuable belongings in to the building with me and risked someone getting into my vehicle. I was not locking the doors again and inviting a repeat performance!
Less than a month until classes start! It all still feels very unreal. Well, except for the part where our babysitting just backed out. That feels very real, and sends me into a bit of a panic. I don't know what we are going to do. It isn't easy to find someone to take care of three children for the hours of this particular program. I guess we just keep looking and holding with the thought that everything will work out.

At this point I can't help but feel very sorry for my children. They didn't ask to be put in this situation, and their lives are about to change in ways they never could have anticipated. They have never had to get up for school extra early and then been dropped off at childcare. And, Thursday nights they will likely not see us at all for the next 18 months. This is going to be really tough.