So far I have received one rejection from the 5 applications I sent out. Silly, but it really got me down for a couple days. Like somehow that one rejection meant that I'd never get any job anywhere. Ugh, am I a drama queen or what?

I have been really fighting getting my CNA. Sounds silly I know, but even knowing I needed it for nursing school I was desperate to find a way around it. Let's face it, I'm here doing the work of a CNA and more every day. The idea of going to work in a LTC facility and then coming home and doing even more every day was something I knew I could not do. I had begun considering taking the CNA class to say I had the certificate but never actually using it. Then on new years eve I was browsing the web while the kids watched one of the count down shows and the end of a commercial caught my attention. It was for this organization. (there is a link there it just isn't showing in a different color for some reason) THIS I can do! This is something that I have dreamed of doing since Kaleb was an infant. How odd that I saw a news program about them when Kaleb was 4 or 5 months old and then heard nothing until now! I'm going to contact them since they are looking for CNA's and see if they would be willing to put me through the class in exchange for me signing a contract with them. If not I'll find another way. They are even close to me!
2 Responses
  1. Tiarnna Says:

    That would be neato if they would put you through the class! Is that what the ad on TV said? I know if you go through the class, then work at a LTC facility, they will end up reimbursing you for the class if you didn't take it through them...perhaps they are the same? Its a WA state thing with the LTC, so that would be neat if they did it too!!!