It's been crazy around here with grandma and the kids this last week. I've not carved out enough time to make progress on PICC, but it remains on the to do list.

The big deal of the week was the visit from the state case manager for my grandma. Once a year or so they have to come out to reevaluate grandma and see if we should have more or less C.O.P.E.S. hours, note any medical changes and generally make sure her home is safe for her and we aren't neglecting her. I was really nervous that since we have hospice involved now and they come out to give her baths and offer other help that they would reduce our hours. The social worker had said it was possible. As it turns out our monthly hours were increased by 20 hours! My kids can be signed up for chess club! Chess club is after school on Thurs and Thurs was one of our short days for help. Unfortunately our care giver would be leaving a half hour before I would have picked up the kids and it's not so easy to just move hours from one day to another. Now I will have someone here late enough that I can pick the kids up.... yay!

Why is all this on my nursing blog? Umm, cause I kinda feel like I'm a manager of my grandmas care in a way that could be somewhat similar to a long term care facility.

Since my schooling is on hold for this quarter I'm taking this opportunity to get in some studying early. I've found a link to a colleges math 97 lessons online. I've set myself a goal of a chapter a day until I get through it all. I think I've also found a similar resource for biology, chemistry and A&P. Not that the computer can totally get me through the science classes, but it would be nice to have a little understanding going in.
1 Response
  1. Tiarnna Says:

    Good for you get an early start! Just don't get yourself burnt out. Don't forget, you'll be at this for a while......LOL Feels like decades for me.

    AWESOME deal on Gma getting more hours!! Woohoo!!!!!