Sorry I haven't updated! I was putting together a post about my favorite things for school... and then put that off while I studied. Then I wanted to update about how class was going, but again I ended up studying instead. And then I had the worst weekend I've had in a long time... and then I was studying again. You get the idea.


School is still going pretty well, I think. The one common theme of nursing schools seems to be the mass confusion and lack or organization. It's not as bad as some programs I've heard of, but we are all still walking around in a daze trying to figure everything out.

Our first test is on Wednesday morning. In Therapeutic Communications. She gave us a quick list of what to study, but there are still many e-mails traveling between us students trying to figure out what she meant by nursing theory, the basics. She also told us not to study too much. Half of me hopes this is her way of assuring us that this first test wont be any big deal. The other half cynically feels that we have been thrown to the wolves.

Must go study more!
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