We went to get santa pictures taken of the kids today. After waiting in line for just over an hour, and being told that the estimated wait was another 3 hours we decided to call it a day. I'm going back with them in the morning, planning to arrive an hour before the pictures start in order to get a good place in line. Yeah, we'll still be sitting there for an hour, but hopefully we can just sit and wait instead of taking a step forward every five minutes.

We could go somewhere else, but this place does a really great job... and they are free! The free part makes the wait almost worth it, especially since the local mall charges $25 now. I had hoped to pic up one of the required reading books for one of my classes, but after visiting with family all afternoon we had a nice quiet evening. I guess I'll be reading for fun while waiting in line instead... and having coffee!

I think we finished our Christmas shopping in record time this year! We didn't start until last Saturday, and Friday morning we finished! It's nice to have it done and out of the way before the kids were out of school for winter break. I've got a bunch of wrapping to do, but I really don't mind.

Just a couple more weeks and we'll be in nursing school!
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