Friday afternoon I sent my 5 year old down to the mailbox to see if there was any news from Pierce College. We had been told something was happening with the letters on the 18th, but it was unclear if the letters were being mailed on the 18th or if we should expect them in our mailboxes on the 18th. I held my breath as he ran down to the lower driveway and opened the mailbox, he peered in and then shut the door again. Drat! No mail. I put on a happy face and headed into the house to feed my hungry kindergartner. I was resigned to waiting until Saturday, maybe even Monday if the mail people were being slow. And, considering how much I wanted (And dreaded, if we're being honest) this letter I was sure mail would be slow.

After lunch I decided to check my e-mail and was surprised to see mail sitting on top of my laptop. My grandmothers caregiver must have gotten the mail while she was out. Flip, flip, flip. Something from the kids school, bills, and a letter from the Allied Health Department for my husband. I flipped through it all again. Nope, nothing for me. So I called my husband into the room and gave him the letter, figuring that if I didn't receive a letter and he did, I didn't make it to the next round.

As he turned the letter over to open from the back magic happened, one envelope became two! They must have been stuck together! We both tore into our envelopes and...

I couldn't figure out what my paper said. There was writing, and information, but at that moment with all the anticipation, my brain refused to decode the letters on the page.

My husband was smiling and asking if I made it. "I don't know, what does your letter look like?" He held his letter up... it looked to be in the same format as mine. So did I make it? Another agonizing 10 seconds and my brain decided to cooperate.

I've made it to the interviews!

At that moment I don't think I would have been more excited if it was my acceptance letter. To me, it was the acceptance letter. October 20th, 7:30 am I will be going to the most important interview of my life thus far. I will not vomit (at least I'm telling myself I wont) and I will dazzle the judges. I WILL get into this nursing program.

Please send positive thoughts!
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