Wahoo! My first quarter back is done!! And, if I may pat myself on the back (since no one in real life has offered so much as a *good job*), I met my goal of a 4.0!

I should be starting working on my medical terminology class now, it's a self paced class and I can see that this will put me at risk for not being as motivated to get stuff completed. Chem 100 (baby chem as my bio professor called it) and Math 140 (formerly 281, how weird is that?) Statistics start next week. While I'm not looking forward to those classes, I am looking forward to checking them off the to-do list.

It looks a though Mike and my schedules only overlap one day a week, and only for a couple hours. That makes finding childcare easier, especially since I have two teenagers chomping at the bit for the opportunity to babysit.

I'm pretty sure I've decided against the LPN and then bridging idea. There is still the chance that I wont be selected at my top two schools and that my 3rd choice school may offer me a slot in their fast track LPN with a guaranteed spot to bridge upon completion.

So, kinda funny story from chatting with my Bio professor last week. We were talking about how Mike will be taking his class this summer, this lead to him asking what I was taking. When I told him Chem 100 he started making fun of me... but in the nicer way of telling me that I didn't need that class and would be more than fine taking chem 101 (which has also been renumbered, but I can't remember if it was to 130 or 140...) So I let him know that chem 101 wasn't offered in the summer, but I was taking it in the fall. He tried to convince me I would be a better fit for taking chem 102 this summer, without 101 than I would be in the baby chem class. He he. Here's to hoping it's an easy A.
1 Response
  1. Tiarnna Says:

    WTG on your 4.0!!! That is awesome! Keep it up and they'll all want you in their schools!