I'm 4 weeks into my classes now and I think I've definitely hit a slump. I spent all day yesterday doing nothing involving school. I still have to finish up my lab report for biology for tomorrow morning and print off a bunch of stuff for lab tomorrow. We had a test in bio on Wednesday, no class on Friday so I'm looking forward to finding out how I did tomorrow. I think I did pretty well, but everyone else was saying it was a really hard test so I wonder if I really bombed it and just didn't realize how badly I was doing.
Psychology still feels like just a ton of busy work. I don't feel like I've really learned anything I didn't know before. My grade is above 98% this week, and I got in my first online disagreement with a fresh out of high school know-it-all... that was kinda fun!
English.... I know in theory why they want us to take this class, however I really dislike it. I am really not big on writing essays just for the heck of it, and we are in week 4 and I have not gotten one bit of feedback from the instructor. I have not gotten grades from the first week of class. It's making me really nervous about going into yet another big project without knowing how I scored on the others. Writing is a lot about style, one instructor will really like what you have to say and it wont do anything for another. I would like to know how I'm doing while there is a chance to change something.
My only complaint with biology is lab partners... enough said.
So, the 4 week update is a bunch of pissy-ness.
Psychology still feels like just a ton of busy work. I don't feel like I've really learned anything I didn't know before. My grade is above 98% this week, and I got in my first online disagreement with a fresh out of high school know-it-all... that was kinda fun!
English.... I know in theory why they want us to take this class, however I really dislike it. I am really not big on writing essays just for the heck of it, and we are in week 4 and I have not gotten one bit of feedback from the instructor. I have not gotten grades from the first week of class. It's making me really nervous about going into yet another big project without knowing how I scored on the others. Writing is a lot about style, one instructor will really like what you have to say and it wont do anything for another. I would like to know how I'm doing while there is a chance to change something.
My only complaint with biology is lab partners... enough said.
So, the 4 week update is a bunch of pissy-ness.