My school week was only 2 days long this week and I am exhausted! Unfortunately, instead of going back to bed after dropping the kids off at school this morning I have to head out to take care of some things. I picked up my financial aid check today and there seems to be a huge error. I'm not pleased. I'm not sure that I can cash this check and still expect them to fix it so first priority today will be to figure out where the other $1100 of my financial aid is. I also need to hit the grocery store for coffee. I can't believe I let us run out of coffee. Then I'm going to hit the thrift store to see if I can find a lab coat. It is required for A&P and we get extra credit if we have it in Chemistry. I know there is more, but it's slipping my mind at the moment.

Cameron has started preschool. So far he loves it. I was worried about how he would adjust, but it looks like the fast pace the keep there works really well for him. He has already made some friends and tells us all about them when he gets home. He's off at class today so that means I have the whole school day alone!

Grey's Anatomy returned last night! It was great having Lynessa over to watch with me. We were both disappointed at the end of the show to hear that the next episode isn't for 2 weeks!
First day of school update...

I think the world was against me today. First my caregiver showed up an hour late, putting me in a tizzy about getting to class. This also caused me to get out the door late, by about 13 minutes. Apparently 13 minutes at the beginning of the day is what it takes to throw off the whole rest of the day.

I arrived on campus only 5 minutes late to find that there was no parking to be had anywhere. After circling the lot a couple times I called my friend who I knew had just gotten out of class and asked where she was parked. And then I waited... she pulled out, I pulled in. Made it to my first class, found my husband had saved me a seat and started trying to figure out what the instructor was saying. It seems my college has decided to employ Robin Williams to teach A&P. Fabulous. He finds himself quite humorous, I assure you. Seems like a nice enough guy. Lecture was over and then it was on to lab. 2 hours later and it was time to run to the cashiers office to grab my financial aid check. The school seems to have lost 1/2 of the transfer forms that move our checks from the campus 25 miles away to the local campus. There were lots and lots of us not so happy. No big deal I figured, since my next class was at the other campus, I would just pick up my check while I was there. I had an hour to get to the other campus, and decided not to stop to check on Cameron and instead head over and make sure I could find my next class.

Once back in the truck heading to the other campus I realized that I had forgotten my map to the other campus at home, and that piece of paper also had my class room number written on it. Did I mention that I'd never been to the other campus before? I get out the the general area that the college is supposed to be in and get horribly lost. After driving in circles getting directions from anyone I can think of, I finally get to the campus only 4 minutes late. Still no idea where my class is, and lucky me... the college is under major construction. After wandering around, and asking for help, I find my class about 13 minutes late. All eyes on me as I slink into the back of the room.

This class goes well other than this is the first instructor I've had that not only lectures up until the very last second... he also held us over. Now I don't have time to pick up my financial aid check and still pick Cameron up on time. Of course, since I was so hopelessly lost getting to the school, getting back to the highway was also a bit of a guessing game. After several wrong turns I make it back to the highway and manage not to be late to pick up Cameron... this is great news as I need every last possible second on Mondays when I will also need to pick up the older kids from school.

Bad news, I wake Cam from his rest and discover that he has wet himself in his sleep. *sigh* It takes us about 20 minutes to get out of there, pack up his blanket and get into clean clothing. Look at the clock as I get back into the truck and realize that if I had had to pick up the other kids I would already be late. Lucky for me I don't have to pick them up today. Cam and I head over to the cashiers office and fill out the form again that will transfer the check to the local office... check should be there for me to pick up tomorrow.

Now we are finally home, I have a headache and do not have the energy for dinner. I think Friday will be spent putting a bunch of meals in the freezer for next week.
I've officially dropped my early morning class and am taking chemistry at the campus further away in the afternoons. The upside, it is a 4 day a week class instead of 5. Now I just have to cross my fingers that there wont be any last minute hiccups with Camerons daycare/ preschool. We have orientation for Cameron tomorrow morning.

Our fall quarter schedule will be:


  • 8- 9am Mike Chemistry, Cam preschool
  • 8:40am I drop older kids at school
  • 9- 10am Mike and I have Anatomy and Physiology
  • 10-12pm A&P Lab
  • 12pm I hop in my truck and head for the other campus. Mike has 2 hour lunch/ study time
  • 1- 2pm My Chemistry class
  • 2-4:30pm Mike Statistics
  • 2:30pm I pick Cam up from preschool
  • 3:15pm I pick kids up from school and head home


  • 8- 9am Mike Chemistry, Cam preschool
  • 8:40am I drop kids off at school
  • 9- 10am Mike and I have A&P
  • 10 am Mike heads to work study, possibly me too
  • 1- 2pm My Chemistry class
  • 2:30pm Cam from preschool
  • 3:15pm Kids from school


  • 8- 9am Mike Chemistry, Cam preschool
  • 8:40am I drop kids at school
  • 9- 10am Mike and I have A&P
  • 10- 12pm A&P lab
  • 12:30pm Mike picks up kids from school (half day every Wednesday)
  • 1- 2pm My Chemistry class
  • 2- 4:30pm Mike Statistics class
  • 2:30 Cam from preschool


  • 8:30am Mike drops Cam at preschool
  • 8:40am I drop kids at school
  • 9- 10am Mike and I have A&P
  • 1- 3pm Mike and I both have Chemistry lab, at different campuses. Mike grabs Cam
  • 3:15 Mike picks kids up from school


  • 8- 9am Mike Chemistry, Cam preschool
  • 8:40am I drop kids at school
  • 9am Mike heads to work study
  • Friday will be my study day and the day I set aside to do my online class.
  • Afternoon sometime Mike will pick Cam up
  • 3:15 I pick kids up from school

It's going to be a busy 10 weeks. I can do anything for 10 weeks right?

My books cost about $600 this quarter, $330 covered by my grant and the rest out of pocket. A&P books are stupid expensive! $180 for the text and another $130ish for the lab manual. So much for having enough monies to get a few new supplies.

My dad gave me this for my birthday. I can't wait to try it out on my classes this quarter. I'll be sure to share here once I start uploading notes/ lectures.

I have about 24 hours to decide what I'm going to do about my fall quarter schedule. Finding someone to take the kids to school in the morning is proving to be very difficult... maybe even impossible. So, I have double enrolled in a second chemistry class. If I can't find childcare today then I will be forced to let go of my first choice class and take the second one... at another campus 25+ miles away. Which leads to it's own set of problems....

I'm really dreading the start of this quarter.