Last week Mike and I managed to wrangle a babysitter for the kids and grandma so we could attend Pierce Colleges Nursing information session. Learned a bit about their process for selecting the next round of nursing students. They claim not be actively recruiting males and minorities though that is certainly the impression the web site gives. Definately worth apply for anyway. I'm still putting Highline down as my first choice.

Mike also went in to Pierce to take his compass placement exam. He placed well also. Looks like we both should be able to get all of our prereqs done within 4 semesters. it wold be less but so many of the science really need to be taken one at a time.

I'm continuing to watch the online A & P lectures and study guides. I think I will realy enjoy this class a lot.
On Thursday hubby and I headed into North Seattle so I could take the COMPASS placement exam. Placing into Eng 101 is a requirement for the phlebotomy program. All went really well, I received a 100% on the english and reading portion of the test, placing me at the highest possible entry point. I also placed well in math, but not quite as high as I had hoped. I think I'll continue to work on refreshing my memory on the math and retake the math portion before starting my pre-reqs.

After finishing my test and being handed my printed results I dashed over to the medical building to be placed on the waiting list. Unfortunately I was #7 on the waiting list for a class of 24. Not this time I guess. The instructor said he would look forward to seeing me next class. Mike and I talked and I think I'm going to shoot to start my re-reqs for nursing fall quarter of '08. That may be pushed back to winter '09 depending on financial aid and work stuff.

In other news, Mike has narrowed the schools he is interested in down to two. Pierce and Highline. Both are said to have really great programs, Pierce is closer to home but Highline is more upfront about their point system for accepting students to the nursing program. I've already ruled Pierce out for me. Pierce is looking to fill their nursing program with males and minorities, if there are slots left over they will consider your classic white female student. The upside of Highline for me is that I have a letter of recommendation from a graduate of the highline nursing program.

Registration for the next phlebotomy class is Nov 12th. I can't wait!